Thursday, 30 November 2006

Name: Prodifam (aka Planifam)
Location: Calle Bellen (4th floor), Cusco
Director: Haydee Obando Viscar

Prodifam is a health organisation that offers a wide array of services. Their main focus is on family planning and sexual health issues. This includes providing information on sexual health, reproductive issues, sexual development, and providing pregnancy and AIDS tests.
They run a small clinic in the San Antonio de Abad University where they give health related discussions, attend to the students, and hand out pamphlets and condoms.

Another program they run is an early stimulation center called “Creciendo Juntos.” This is a program for children between the ages of 0 and 3 years old, and their parents. They try to provide an environment, workshops and classes that encourage healthy development in the child.

Other areas in which they work with children as well as adults are physical therapy, psychology, legal work, nutritional information, teaching people to read and write, and training teachers in different areas. They try to diversify, and therefore help and reach as many people as possible. Their statistic that they serve an average of 1200 people a month shows that they are achieving that aim.

Prodifam are very eager for volunteers to help and support them in any, and all, of their activities, wherever the volunteer has experience and feels comfortable, and whatever part of their operation will suit them best.

Those volunteers that have some medical training or experience can work in the Prodifam laboratory, where they do analysis work on blood and pregnancy test among other things. They can also work in the field, actually taking PapSmear tests, extracting blood, giving gynaecological exams, and many other things.

Volunteers can also be involved in Prodifam’s educational efforts by participating at the small clinic they have at the university, giving talks, and handing out pamphlets. For those volunteers who want to work with very young children can also work in the Centro de EstimulaciĆ³n Temprana (early learning). They are also eager to work with any volunteers who have training in nutrition or psychology.

This internship is perfect for volunteers with some experience in the health field, looking for a rewarding and educational experience with an amazing organisation.

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